cz i promise mom will skul today.
all malay have to sembayang at skul today.
so all class is mix up.
js sit together n have some fun n revision in the class.
after resess n chinese class.
the last period.i reli cant tahan n sleep in class untill finis skul.
even today is damn rubbish to skul.
but i feel it not bad. at lease have joke.
den reached home straight fall in sleep at bedroom floor.^^
[i feel so guai luii after club n sleep so less oso wan skul XDD]
curi take their pic.^^
they so pig lehh..
cam with beloved bii miiya.
see. she was smiling,
but she didnt noe i taking pic. =]
dis is the mooncake made ytd.
some is made by me.
its delicious lehh.. =)
ouu ~ it's penaut.
i love it.
thx mom ~! mwahss ^^