wait dear come fetch me go mid meet up jovi watch movie .
he had been there 4 hours to wait 3 of us . gosh !
for me sure CANNOT !
after movie we go kim gary take our dinner .
and at there make some joke .
JOVIII !! next time dun so chong dong !! XD
after tat have a small accident . but it nth le .
dear , carefulll drive lehh .. ><
we rush to sunway coco find her .
wow ! lucky today no wear so weird ,
jovi clubbing virgin broke jo XD
den we do some post to do and something to play . =]
my hapiie picture & memory !
wear mask my dearesttt !
H1N1 is very serious now
i dun wan eu kenna . promise ? ^^
1 student 3 adult !
a not bad movie .
wat jovi doin there ?
our bear , but i didnt drink much ^^
kena curi take pic by my fon againnnn =.=!!
he is the ppl tat i LOVE so much !
Kir0 n'' Bitt0
he is a guai zai
so need to inform mom will get home late
i guai lui oso de leh =(
ladies nite !
i love them so .
my sweeet nite .
our story will continue tooo ^^
our 1st post is act cute . wieeee ~
do we cute ? =P
our 2nd post .
guess wat is it ?
yeahh ~ is cool . haha ! we did !
wat's the total num means ?
i dunoo . do eu ? ^^