2pm i js wake up and turn on my fon ~ pika piii ! [ my fon ring tone ] keep on ring . haha .
noe wat happen is it ? i promise my babe will go find her while she still make something ,
but i sleep til very late and my bii and one fren find me .
after prepare everythings i went out bus stop wait bus . is abit long waiting there .
meet a old fren in bus and hav a chat there .
reach da place i keep on find my babe . actually she at 1st floor but she told me is 2nd floor .
so i walk da whole 2nd floor but oso cant found her
after tat i walk down 1st floor . finally let me found her le .
den pui her there chatting and her fren keep calling her .
feel they will throw her there , they're damn bad .
we gonna near da car and they drive away . my feeling is WAT THE !
wat kind of ppl are they ?
after tat i went to sg.wang meet up eddie .
they jz finis eat madam wong . js keep walk around there
and we keep try da spec . is so funny there . but so bad havent buy it . next time =[
finally eddie found a nice white shirt . but its edi very dirty , the end oso didnt buy .
dear n bii come le . we walk up 6th floor find shirt . i saw my jacket got stok le .
omg! i wan to buy it . i damn crazy on it . den shiro pui me take money and go buy it .
after tat i saw a nice shirt ! omg ! i wan buy it too . b4 we went down stair .
they all pui me go see da shirt and buy it . eddie got alot of stuff leh . omg ! jealous =D
my picture !
while waiting someone try shirt den curi take his photo XD
waiting fren try shirt . i so perasan keep take pic today ^^
he have so many stuff . omg ! make me so jealous ! ><
haha . at u-village curi take his pic again . XDD
at hotel WC waiting ppl
my beloved bii . she seems a model tat time =)
da jacket and shirt i damn crazy fall in love